Canada’s offshore (Digital)


Canada’s offshore



This is a digital copy of the book only.  The hard copy  Colour Version and Black and White are no longer available through ACLS (please order through Trafford Publishing, see below)

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The last few years have seen major changes to the laws governing the offshore created by international agreements, Canadian legislation, and court decisions. This is the first Canadian book to deal comprehensively and systematically with these important issues pertaining to the jurisdiction, rights, and management in Canada’s offshore.

The laws dealing with Canada’s offshore have undergone considerable change and this book brings together various streams to provide an understandable overview.

This book covers the following:

  •  International practices, customs, laws, and treaties concerning the oceans, and their effects on Canada.
  • Canada’s responses to international ocean-related events through Canadian legislation, regulations and practices.
  • International treaties and conventions, Canadian court decisions, and the result of arbitration decisions concerning Canada, with specific emphasis on the resulting ocean boundary delimitations.
  • The mechanics of describing and determining ocean boundaries, and interpreting ocean-related Canadian legislation.
  • Practical issues related to Canada’s offshore oil and gas industry.

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