Integrated Land Management

Enhancing the value of Aboriginal assets through the identification of economic development opportunities, leveraging partnerships, management of community assets, and modernizing lands management.”

This excerpt is taken from the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors 2013-2014 Annual Report:

Towards Integrated Land Management For Sustainable Economic Development On First Nations Lands

The Integrated Land Management (ILM) sub-committee was established under the Aboriginal Liaison Committee to work on documenting and improving best practices on land management of Indigenous lands that includes integrating knowledge and expertise in land registration, surveying, planning, GIS and engineering.

An integrated approach of land management will support effective and sustainable land use and promote socio-economic development on Indigenous land, and support the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development

    Your question will be reviewed by a group of surveyors, engineers, planners, GISP’s, land managers, and experts in land registration